Many patients of ano-rectal problems directly take medication from quacks or from general physician without direct examination of anal region but there is not only one problem of piles but also there are many diseases including cancer which should be detected early.

There is many reasons for this symptom. A prolapsing pile, rectal polyp, rectal prolapse or cancer of the anal canal can present with this symptom.

It is a misconception that in every case, the patient is advised to go for surgical procedure. The fact is that only 10% patients really require a surgical intervention or operation. Rest of them can very well be treated with medications, dietary regulations and a regular follow-up

This is an incorrect thinking. Most of the ano-rectal diseases are completely curable by surgical treatment. However, there are certain rules which are to be followed after anal surgeries like change in the food habit, regular bowel activity, regular reviews with the operating surgeons to avoid any recurrence or relapse of the symptoms.

Include more amount of fibers in your diet. Fruits like apple, pear, banana, orange and carrot, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach and other green leafy vegetable should be used in impunity. Take plenty of water Take your meals at a fixed and regular time. Don’t consume spicy, fried or highly seasoned food. Chili pepper should be avoided. Regular exercises, relieving anxiety and constipation goes a long way to help out relieving the symptoms of anal region. Sitting in a tub containing warm water and soaking the entire anal area is soothing.